Dream! Believe! Survive!

          Everyone have their own dreams that they have to work on to achieve that in the future and my dream is to be an engineer. At first, I could hardly decide what I want to be in the future because there are so many choices painted in my mind. But at this time, I am at the crossroads where I have to make decisions, specifically at my choice of course in the college and at the same time, my profession. With all the sacrifices and eschews that my parents are exerting just to send me in school, I don’t have reasons not to give my bests all the time.
          In achieving my dream,  my parents always guides me so I have something to make them feel so proud of me, I would like to give them the best life. I would like to make them feel comfortable and see sweet smiles in their faces. This is really the one I like to achieve in my life, mountains of words can’t explain how much I love and appreciate them. With all of my knowledge and values learned, I would like to share these to my fellows especially to those youths, in the future, by serving them with unconditional, whole-hearted and without any ambiguity or doubts.
          This really shows our compassion and charitable heart for others. Simple dreams of mine for others but worth living reasons for me. I, together with my parents, have a simple means of living; but because of firm determination, strong faith in GOD, good values and virtues I assure that we will have the bests of life in the future not because of the luxuries but the richness of love, compassion for people and passion for God. These are my dreams, my inspiration which I have to work on for the future.


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