My Last Reflection

          In our last quarter in ICT 10 in this school year, we discussed and learned image editing using Photoshop. We already learned this when we were in the lower years but learning and studying it again was really fun because our knowledge in Photoshop was added.
          Although it is hard for me but easy for others, I have learned some things again. Again because what I’ve known before is still the things I learned right now. Adjusting sizes, resolution, layers, adding text, making backgrounds, applying tools like lasso tool, marquee tools to crop images on desired spots. Also I’ve experienced again to use the eraser too, duplicating layers, adding layers and a lot more.
          But of course, I still encountered some problems but thanks to my classmates they helped me with it. It was fun editing images using Photoshop. And hopefully, in the future, I can apply all the things I've learned about image editing.


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